Trace Mineral Dietary Supplement Benefits | Natural Health Newsletter

Catalyst Altered Trace Minerals – Addendum

Question 1: Supplement of Water Treatment?

Are the Catalyst Altered Trace Minerals a supplement or a water treatment? I’m not sure how we are supposed to use them?


This is a water treatment that works as a supplement. In other words, use Catalyst Altered Trace Minerals to treat all of the water that you drink (don’t worry, at 8 glasses per day, a bottle lasts 32 days). It makes the water more bio-available. It aids in the transport of all the nutrients you consume during the day into the cells of your body, and it facilitates the removal of waste from those same cells. It also increases the hydrating properties of the water and can raise the energy levels of the individual cells of your body by as much as 50% (see micelle below) — and in the process, provides your body with a full complement of important trace minerals and a nice dose of magnesium.

Question 2: Micelle Catalyst?

What is the Micelle catalyst?


Micelle is an electrically charged organic particle built up from polymeric molecules or ions and existing in a colloidal electrolytic solution. Its benefits come from its ability to restructure the water in which it is in solution. When added to your water, it’s like adding billions and billions of incredibly tiny batteries to your water. It is the electrical charges of the micelle particles that actually break the tetrahedral bonds of the water (reducing its surface tension) and that cause the water to restructure into a more bio-available form. It is also these charges that are used by the individual cells of your body to raise their bio-magnetic energy levels.

Question 3: Toxic Elements

I noticed that in your table of 66 Elements found in the trace minerals, several toxic elements such as a cadmium, arsenic, and lead were listed. Is this a good thing?


There are 35 metals that concern us because of our constant exposure to them (occupational, residential, food, and water); 23 of these are the heavy elements or “heavy metals”: antimony, arsenic, bismuth, cadmium, cerium, chromium, cobalt, copper, gallium, gold, iron, lead, manganese, mercury, nickel, platinum, silver, tellurium, thallium, tin, uranium, vanadium, and zinc (Glanze 1996). Interestingly, small amounts of these elements are common (unavoidable, in fact) in our environment and diet and are actually necessary for good health (in small amounts), but large amounts of any of them may cause acute or chronic toxicity (poisoning).

The level of toxic elements in Catalyst Altered Trace Minerals is extremely low. How low? Extremely. For example, you would have to drink 8 glasses of Catalyst Altered Trace Minerals for days to get the same amount of aluminum you get from just one banana, cucumber, or tomato — all of which have much higher amounts of organic aluminum, which they naturally take up from the soil.

Rest assured, the amounts of toxic elements in the minerals is lower than you will find in virtually any food source you eat. They are listed on the table so that you will know exactly what is in the bottle — but the amounts are very, very, very low and extremely safe.

Question 4: pH

According to the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, pH is the negative logarithm of the hydrogen-ion activity in gram equivalents per liter of the solution. Thus, it appears that the pure elements calcium and magnesium in and of themselves cannot raise pH, as calcium cannot contain hydrogen. They are separate elements. And yet you say that calcium and magnesium can raise pH. How can this be?

Answer (and yes, we really do get questions like this)

As Herman Aihara, in his book Acid and Alkaline, describes the process, when they are metabolized, carbohydrates, proteins, and fats produce acids in the body. Protein produces sulfuric and phosphoric acid. Carbohydrates and fats produce acetic and lactic acid. In our bodies, these acids are neutralized by mineral compounds. The family of mineral compounds which neutralize acids are the carbonic salts, symbolized as BaCO3, where the Ba stands for any one of the four alkaline elements: Na, CA, K, and Mg. When the carbonic salts react with the strong acids, the alkaline minerals making up the carbonic salt leave the salt and combine with the acids to make new salts. For example:

BaCO3 + H2SO4 = BaSO4 + H2O + CO2
(carbonic salt + sulfuric acid = sulfuric salt + water + carbon dioxide)

These acid salts are then excreted from the body. Thus the acid is neutralized and the pH of the body raised.

Which brings up the secondary question: wouldn’t it be more effective to just supplement with calcium carbonate or magnesium carbonate? And the answer is no (although they are frequently used in less expensive supplement formulations) — for the simple reason that the carbonic salt forms of minerals (although needed by the body) are not very absorbable (about 3-5%) in the intestinal tract. Better to take them in the ionic form and let the body convert them to carbonic salts.

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