Newsletter Archive – 2005

If you missed a recent bi-weekly newsletter from Jon Barron, don’t fret! We have archived all the health newsletters below for your convenience. Scroll topics or if you are looking for specific health information, use our search field above. More than likely, Jon covered your topic in one of these health newsletters!

Avoiding Flesh-Eating Bacteria and Other Waterborne Bugs

While it may be obvious you should avoid swimming at beaches where there are riptides and shark warnings, there also are certain types of bacterial infection that may not be visible to the eye but can lurk in water and cause profound harm.

Lack of Sleep and Loneliness

If you’ve ever dealt with bouts of insomnia, then you know how badly it can affect you. But did you know that a lack of sleep can also affect you socially?  Find out more…

Is Your Cell Phone Putting Your Vision at Risk?

You are probably well versed in the dangers associated with using cell phones. Now research suggests that cellphone screen-light may do long-term damage to your eyes that could lead to blindness.

Gut Bacteria Affects Weight Loss

Did you ever notice that for some people losing weight seems relatively easy, while for others, even shedding just a couple of pounds is a struggle?   New research suggests that the successful dieters being helped along by the bacteria in their gut.

Roundup: a Crack in the Wall

Glyphosate and Roundup® have recently been in the news. Most of it has been bad, but there is one ray of hope that recently burst through the darkened skies, a crack in the wall if you will.

The Celibacy Syndrome

Did you know?  There’s a new phenomenon occurring that might inadvertently put the lid on uncontrolled population growth. Learn more… 

Heat Stroke is No Joke

Currently, about one out of every million people dies from heat-related problems each year in the US.  Find out how you avoid heat stroke…

Caffeine May Not Be a Diet Aid

If you are interested in shedding a few excess pounds, you might think that caffeine could be a big help.  What is the verdict?  Does it work?

Dinner Time and Cancer Risk

If you typically eat a late meal and then collapse into bed exhausted, you might want to rethink your evenings. New research suggests that dining so late could increase your cancer risk.

Brief Exercise Can Help You Learn a New Skill

Hobbies are a healthy way to spend some of your leisure time, and picking up new motor skills is good for your brain. But here’s a surprising tip on how to learn something new…

Herbal Remedies For Stress & Depression

For years, stress and/or depression have been suspected of increasing the risk of contracting numerous infectious diseases, not to mention correlating with an increased incidence of cancer.

Testosterone: Your Life Depends on It

Maintaining optimized levels of free testosterone is essential for maintaining cardiovascular health and preventing early death for both men and women.